meme ​food

Introducing the tastiest token in the meme world! ​jion our community, the task is simple feed ​memes and enjoy delicious returns. WHAT'S ​COOKING!




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MEFO is a playful meme coin that celebrates all ​things delicious. Think of it as the meme token ​equivalent of your favorite dish—a little bit ​indulgent, a little bit humorous, but always ​satisfying. The theme revolves around food puns, ​snack culture, and playful references to popular ​dishes and ingredients.

Memefood is all about enjoying the simple things ​in life. Just like a tasty food brings joy, MEFO aims ​to bring fun and excitement to the world of ​memes. THE FIRST MEMECOIN COMMUNITY ​SOLELY DEDICATED TO CHARITY.

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Brush Stroke Illustration

how to buy

Create a Wallet

Download phantom or your wallet of choice from the app store or google play store for free. Desktop users, ​download the google chrome extension of your wallet.

Get Some Sol

have Solana in your wallet to switch to $MEFO. If you don’t have any SOL, you can buy directly on phantom, transfer ​from another wallet, or buy on another exchange and send it to your wallet.

Go to Raydium

connect to Raydium. Go to in google chrome or on the browser inside your phantom app. Connect your ​wallet. Paste the $MEFO token address into raydium, select Memefood, and confirm. When pha prompts you for a ​wallet signature, sign.

Switch ETH for $MEFO

switch SOL for $MEFO. We have ZERO taxes so you don’t need to worry about buying with a specific slippage, ​although you may need to use slippage during times of market volatility.

Contract address: not created yet!

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Token Supply:


No Taxes, feed the hungry memes. LP tokens are burnt 100%, ​and contract ownership is renounced.


Simple Smartphone Frame
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Phase 1: Build Community

Phase 2: Mefo

Phase 3: Vibe and HODL

Phase 4: Mefo Takeover

Route Map 3D Icon
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meme Food

Paper Plane Vector Icon
shape icon

Let's get started!!

© 2024 by Meme food. All rights reserved!